PGSR-3iFT ’Beagle’ tower-Mounted Ground Surveillance Radar




PGSR-3iFT 'Beagle' is a battlefield-proven radar system for ground surveillance and artillery observation. Beagles are in operation as the primary solution in several (8-10) NATO member and partner countries, with the best usability rate. Furthermore the PGSR-3iFT ’Beagle’ is a tower-mounted radar for detection, tracking and classification of targets moving on or close to the ground.

  •  FMCW radar technology
  • Mounted on the top of the tower
  • Collecting information from 360°
  • Continous operating
  • Key element of early warning
  • Cannot be disturbed by neighboring radars
  • Controlled by ADAMS software
  • Remote operation with IP communication
  • Long detection ranges
  • Integration with camera subsystems, C4i systems, local operation
  • Instrumental range 40 km (optional) - NATO directive detection ranges
  • Key element of large border security systems
  • Tested according to MIL-STD-810G


  • Multiple connected Beagle FT radars provide hermetical protection against illegal border crossers
  • Radars and cameras mounted on towers
  • Integrated in system: local, medium size or C4I
  • Thermal and daylight camera ranges are matched to radar range

The radar PGSR-3iFT ’Beagle’ is member of the PGSR Beagle family of FMCW radars, making use of all advantages specific to this excellent and well-proven radar class. Mounted on top of towers, it is watching and collecting information from the surrounding area practically from 360 degree. Numerous camera vendors are supported; new camera integration is standard procedure. Optionally camera integration/control hardware is available. The PGSR-3iFT ’Beagle’ radar is key element of sensor systems for early warning, illegal border crossing prevention and threat recognition along extensive border sections in desert or harsh environment. Improve the resilience passive cooling was deployed, no ventilator used for cooling. If several radars are operated, neighboring radars cover shadow zones of each other, to achieve full coverage of surveillance area. Radar operating channels are selectable and adjustable. Neighboring radars do not disturb each other even if radiating and receiving signals over a common area. The PGSR-3iFT ’Beagle’ radars are the highest level ruling intelligent units in the radar-camera-sensor modules hierarchy. The radar controls cameras: activates, directs, ”slews to cue” etc.

The radar is controlled from the local operator unit or remote command center. The radar’s control software ADAMS is capable of utilizing various map formats and displaying the detected targets over the map. PGSR-3iFT ’Beagle’ is the intelligent ruling unit that performs activation, coordination and control of thermal cameras, daylight cameras and other sensors. All surveillance data and user interaction events are logged and can be replayed for further analysis.