Pro Patria Electronics' PGSR-3i 'Beagle' surveillance radar family is the most successful in its category in terms of the number of units in service and the number of NATO and NATO partners using it.

Pro Patria Electronics is part of the World’s leading edge in the field of research, development and innovation.

It was founded in 2000, and is located in Budapest, the capital of Hungary.

The Company designs and manufactures surveillance systems including FMCW mid-range ground surveillance radars and other sensor integration networks to meet the customer’s requirements, considering local capabilities and environmental conditions available at the end-user, based on information gathered during the preliminary meetings and discussions. Keeping all related development processes in one hand ensures that the Company is able to meet the special customer needs, and integration of its products is possible into third party systems as well.

The product-range of the Company supports public safety and strengthens the border security of several countries worldwide among numerous NATO member countries. Our references include several projects connected to border protection as well as strategic civil area control (e.g.: oil refineries, nuclear power plants, gas extraction plants, etc...).

Pro Patria Electronics Ltd. is the member of the Hungarian Defense Association.



  •  Company name: Pro Patria Electronics

  •  General Manager: Mr. Geza Szathmari Dipl.-Ing. , MBA

  •  Telephone: +36 1 322 7010

  •  Fax: +36 1 344 7020

  •  Address: H-1097. BUDAPEST, Könyves Kálmán krt. 12-14.

  •  Founded: 2000

  •  Registration Court: Company Registry Court of Budapest-Capital Regional Court

  •  Company Registry Number: 01-09-991831

  •  EU Tax Nr: HU11968470

  •  Customs Registry Number (CRN): HU0000318154

  •  Export-Import Regulations: Hungarian Trade Licensing Office

  •  CAGE / NCAGE CODE: 1013V