Pro Patria Electronics
Dentons Advises Pro Patria Electronics in Winning Battlefield Radar Contract
A következő napokban tizenhárom Gidrán páncélozott jármű gördül be a tatai György Klapka 1. Páncélos Dandár laktanyájába.
Over the next few days, thirteen Gidrán hashtag#armored hashtag#vehicles will roll into the barracks of the György Klapka 1st Armored Brigade in Tata, Hungary.
We, Pro Patria Electronics would like to thank the VIKI - Defence Innovation and Research Institute of Hungary for the opportunity to take part in the round table discussion "Strengthening the cooperation of industry, academia and end-user actors" within the framework of the VIKI Fest.
We, Pro Patria Electronics would like to thank the VIKI - Defence Innovation and Research Institute of Hungary for the opportunity to take part in the round table discussion "Strengthening the cooperation of industry, academia and end-user actors" within the framework of the VIKI Fest.