Over the next few days, thirteen Gidrán hashtagarmored hashtagvehicles will roll into the barracks of the György Klapka 1st Armored Brigade in Tata, Hungary.

The equipment of the valiant József Barankay 1st Self-Propelled Artillery Division also means new capabilities, as its various types can be used as mobile hashtagfire hashtagcontrol points, hashtagobservation points, and battery and hashtagplatoon hashtagcommander points. We are very proud that our company Pro Patria Electronics developed the ‘IFP’ - hashtagIntegrated hashtagReconnaissance hashtagPlatform (https://lnkd.in/ey8JVCi7), that is a complex hashtagsensor system combined with a unique single hashtagmast solution for limitless operation.

The mockup of the system will be exibited in hashtagEurosatory 2024, Paris on the booth of VEX - Hungarian Defence Export Agency Ltd. ❗❗❗ ‘Halle B’ C392 ❗❗❗ where we exhibit our products.

This sensor system consists of PGSR-3i ’Beagle’ hashtagGround hashtagSurveillance hashtagRadar hashtagGSR (https://lnkd.in/eZJ6tSPV), BorderCam hashtagUncooled hashtagElectrooptical hashtagCamera (https://lnkd.in/ehzq5W_g) with enhanced hashtagartillery functions, integrated hashtagLRF as well as a heavy-duty hashtagLeveling hashtagUnit for compensating the slope of the vehicle.
hashtagDetection of the impact of fired artillery shells can be performed by both sensors which gives extended capabilities in heavy weather conditions where other sensors fail.

Please click on the links below for the detais:

Újabb tizenhárom Gidrán - Honvédelem (honvedelem.hu)